The 2025 Leadership Conference, themed Steadfast in the Faith: Pressing Toward the Mark, is a two-day event dedicated to inspiring spiritual growth, equipping leaders, and fostering fellowship through worship, teaching, and meaningful discussions.
The Office of the Presiding Bishop of Zion Assembly, with international headquarters in Cleveland, TN, has issued the following official press release for immediate publication. This statement addresses the significance of Christmas and Zion Assembly's stance on its celebration.
We are thrilled to unveil the formation of our brand-new World Missions Correspondence Team!
Zion Assembly is pleased to announce the expansion of its prestigious publication, The Voice of Zion, into the Spanish language.
Note: this article [revised and updated] was first published in the Voice of Zion in April 2006 under the title ‘Azusa Street Centennial Celebration’ Sincere and Honest, or a Mockery by Bishop Wade H. Phillips.
Press Release - Cleveland, TN – Zion Assembly is pleased to announce the construction of a new multi-purpose building, including an Assembly tabernacle, a significant milestone in the church’s ongoing mission to spread the Gospel and serve the global community. This transformative project officially began with the demolition of an older structure on the properties of the international offices, paving the way for a state-of-the-art multipurpose complex designed to support worship, fellowship, and outreach.
We are thrilled to announce that the new Sunday School Curriculum for October through December 2024 is now available! This exciting resource is ready to equip you and your local church. Click HERE to download your free copy today!
Join us at the 21st General Assembly from August 27 to September 1. This year's theme is 'The Church: Pillar and Ground of Truth.' In a world filled with confusion...
La siguiente es una Declaración Oficial por escrito de la Oficina del Obispo Presidiendo de Sion Asamblea Iglesia de Dios, con Oficinas Internacionales en Cleveland, TN.
The following is an official written statement from the Office of the Presiding Bishop of Zion Assembly Church of God, with International Offices in Cleveland, TN.
December 2024